Monthly Archives: February 2015

Horse job for 2015 in Tuscany

The days are getting longer over here.

No longer is it pitch black at 5pm, but now closer to 7. Spring is on its way – even if weather wise were still in winter territory.

This season promises to be a busy one. We currently have a promotion (running until the end of March) that offers 20% off all apartments booked, even in the high season.

Riding bookings are very good, and we have some lovely returning guests back for another Tuscan fix.

Our beautiful Iza this year has gone back to study in Poland, and will only be helping out for a small time frame in the summer. Therefore we are looking for a new instructor/guide at our stables.

Iza organized our very popular ‘Kinder week’ with German children and was also our german speaking instructor, so one of of the skills required for this position in a  good level of spoken german language.

So. If you or anyone you know is looking for a job in 2015 (starting as soon as possible) Castellare di Tonda is looking for someone with the following attributes:

Good people skills, friendly and happy to work in a team.

Capable working with horses of different ages and temperaments (our horses are all lovely, but some have their quirks, and experience working with different horses is a must)

Safe and careful working with children

Languages: Essential German, with good english and Italian always a bonus.

Love horses. Love Tuscany. Love working outside.

You wont be expected to do boxes, but saddling and unsaddling is part of the job, as is bringing in and putting out the horses.

When their are no lessons or rides out, you will generally help Franco and Marco out with the young horses and their will be the chance to have lessons with them in western riding/reining.

You will have a house provided, a one bedroom private apartment with all bills paid. Free internet available at the reception, and during high season you can eat at the restaurant both lunch and dinner. Your apartment has its own kitchen for preparing meals.

Work week. You will work a 6 day week, with one day off (generally a saturday).

Good wage offered, as well as seasonal contract from March through to November.

You will need to have a work permit for Italy, or be a European citizen.

Know someone? Let us know!

Pics of the apartment offered:

14 CT_aietta_002 IMG_4857

and the jobs kind of summed up like this…

appartamenti-spa-cavalli 131 appartamenti-spa-cavalli 137 appartamenti-spa-cavalli 140 appartamenti-spa-cavalli 142 AAa_87352 Horses (2) AAB_7315AO AAB_7468AO DSC_3528 DSCN3030

Tempted yet?